Students struggling to engage in your lessons?
Constantly hearing "When am I going to need this?"!
Tired of scouring teaching resource sites for the next best project or activity for your math class?
Me too, friend. But there's a better way.
With the Project Based Algebra Membership, you get full access to all the best real-world resources carefully crafted to align with the interests of today's teenagers. No outdated textbook examples with Farmer John and his bean field or friends cliff jumping in Acapulco. We're talking activities and projects that REAL and RELEVANT. Standards aligned resources that are RIGOROUS and engaging.
Inside the Membership you'll find Projects and PBL units for sure, but also…
Plus! We've got an exclusive community of teachers all implementing the same resources--giving us a space to bounce ideas off of one another and share insight into what's working in classrooms.
AND virtual group get togethers to collaborate and grow in our practice.
Finding resources that align to your standards and appeal to your students doesn't have to be a waste of time or money anymore. With the Project Based Algebra Teachers Membership, you've got access to everything you need for all the units you teach, for less than your Netflix bill.
Topics and resources for Algebra 1 Teachers
Topics and resources for Algebra 2 Teachers
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